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How Ovarian Cancer Affects Quality of Life

Written by Beth Schneider
Posted on April 19, 2024

In a recent survey of MyOvarianCancerTeam members, respondents discussed the impact ovarian cancer can have on quality of life and emotional well-being. Members also shared which treatments they’ve had to treat their ovarian cancer.

Who Took the Survey?

MyOvarianCancerTeam conducted a survey with 58 members in the U.S. who were diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

The survey asked members about:

  • The physical, social, and emotional impact of ovarian cancer on daily life
  • The types of treatments they’ve had

MyOvarianCancerTeam shares the results of our member surveys so our community can learn, collectively, from each other’s experiences.

81 Percent Said Ovarian Cancer Interferes With Quality of Life

Eighty-one percent of MyOvarianCancerTeam members reported that ovarian cancer interferes with quality of life. Two-thirds said it makes it hard to perform everyday chores and that the disease negatively affects their families. They also said ovarian cancer causes pain or discomfort (78 percent) and makes it hard to sleep (64 percent).

“Up early with hip and tummy pain,” a member wrote on the site. “I can’t seem to get much sleep lately.”

MyOvarianCancerTeam Members Reported Anxiety, Stress, and Depression

The mental health challenges associated with ovarian cancer were also shared by members. They reported feeling anxious (86 percent), stressed (84 percent), and depressed (64 percent).

One MyOvarianCancerTeam member wrote on the site, “Still feeling very anxious and depressed. I just feel I am not the same person I was before all of this.”

Nearly Every Survey Respondent Has Had Chemotherapy

Nearly everyone who took the survey reported receiving chemotherapy (98 percent). Surgery was the next most common treatment (90 percent).

The large majority have had two or more chemotherapy regimens to treat their ovarian cancer. One MyOvarianCancerTeam member wrote, “Started chemo — again.”

“Since my initial treatments for OC, I have been on two other different chemos,” another member shared.

Talk With Others Who Understand

MyOvarianCancerTeam is a social network for people living with ovarian cancer. On MyOvarianCancerTeam, more than 6,600 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand what it’s like to be living with ovarian cancer.

How does ovarian cancer affect your life? What advice do you have for others? Describe your experience in the comments below ,or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page. As one member shared, “I love the support I get here, tips, practical advice, and encouragement.”

Beth Schneider has been a market research professional for over 35 years. She focuses on both survey research and social listening analysis. Learn more about her here.

A MyOvarianCancerTeam Member

I have found since my diagnosis that my memory has deteriorated rapidly, I spoke to my oncologist about my concerns of this and he said that it was common and that my memory will eventually return… read more

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